Everyone needs a laugh every single day. Here we have gathered 37 best yo Momma So Fat jokes that were found on online platforms such as Tiktok, Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook. None of these Yo Mama is So Fat Jokes are our own, and actually, there are no authors for these jokes.
Our Yo Mama So Fat Jokes are filtered by social reactions. So we think these are the most popular Yo-Momma So Fat Jokes of all time that were shared on social media. See if you have heard all 37 of them.
These Yo mama so fat jokes are kinda offensive. So this is a caution.
37 Best Yo Momma So Fat Jokes Of All Time
Without further ado, let’s get into the list of the top 25 Yo Mama So Fat Jokes of this century. This post has been updated to 2022/2023.
Yo mama’s so fat, when she fell I didn’t laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.
Yo mamma is so fat she doesn’t need the internet because she’s already worldwide.
Yo mama’s so fat, when she skips a meal, the stock market drops.
Yo Momma’s so fat when I told her to touch her toes she said, “What are those”?
Yo momma is so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it’s still printing.
Yo mama’s so fat, it took me two buses and a train to get to her good side.
Yo mama’s so fat, when she goes camping, the bears hide their food.
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Yo mama’s so fat, if she buys a fur coat, a whole species will become extinct.
Yo momma’s so fat, she got baptized at Sea World.
Yo momma is so fat that when she saw a yellow school bus go by full of white kids she ran after it yelling, “TWINKIE!”
Yo mama’s so fat, she stepped on a scale and it said: “To be continued.”
Yo momma is so fat that when she went to the beach a whale swam up and sang, “We are family, even though you’re fatter than me.”
Yo momma is so fat, when she sat on the back of the bus it did a wheelie.
Yo mama’s so fat, I swerved to miss her in my car and ran out of gas.
Yo mama’s so fat, when she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
Yo momma is so fat she sat on the rainbow and Skittles came out.
Yo mamma is so fat she walked past the TV and I missed 3 episodes.
Yo momma is so fat when she went to KFC the cashier asked, “What size bucket?” and yo momma said, “The one on the roof.”
Yo momma’s so fat and old when God said, “Let there be light,” he asked your mother to move out of the way.
Yo momma’s so fat, she has more rolls than a bakery.
Yo mama’s so fat, she was overthrown by a small militia group, and now she’s known as the Republic of Yo Mama.
Yo momma is so fat when she sat at Walmart, she lowered the prices.
Yo mama’s so fat, when she sits around the house, she SITS AROUND the house.
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Yo mama’s so fat, her car has stretch marks.
Yo momma’s so fat, she wore a black bathing suit to the pool and everyone yelled “oil spill!”
Yo momma is so fat when she steps out in a yellow raincoat, the people yell, “TAXI!”
Yo momma’s so fat she needs to cheat codes for Wii Fit.
Yo mama’s so fat, she can’t even jump to a conclusion.
Yo momma is so fat that Dora can’t even explore her!
Yo mama’s so fat, her blood type is Ragu.
Yo mama’s so fat when I pictured her in my head she broke my neck.
Yo momma is so fat that her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does.
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Yo mama’s so fat, if she was a Star Wars character, her name would be Admiral Snackbar.
Yo mama’s so fat, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl.
Yo momma’s so fat, the only way to get her out of a telephone booth is to grease her thighs and throw a Twinkie in the street.
Yo momma’s so fat, she tripped over Wal-Mart, stumbled over K-Mart, and landed on Target.
Yo mama is so fat, when she stepped on a scale it said, “One person at a time please.”
If you like our list of Yo Momma So Fat jokes of all time, kindly add a comment below. Also, let us know your favorite Yo Mama is So Fat Joke below.