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Top 10 Amy Lau Quotes from Netflix ‘BEEF’ Series

If you’re a fan of the absurdly brutal show Beef, get ready for a treat. We’ve compiled a list of 10 unforgettable quotes from Amy Lau from the Netflix series that will leave you confused or contemplating random thoughts.

These Amy Lau (Ali Wong) quotes are perfect for dropping into your real-life conversations, making you want to re-watch the series and uncover even more gems. Prepare yourself for a wild ride as we explore the outrageous quotes from Netflix’s Beef. Sit back, relax, and let’s dive into this collection of witty one-liners and thought-provoking statements.

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Top 10 George Quotes from Netflix ‘BEEF’ Series

I want you to know that, despite what everybody tells you, you can have it all. You can.

When nowhere feels like home, you just retreat into yourself.

Sometimes, rock bottom is your trampoline.

The moment you begin to worry, the moment you acknowledge the worry, you solidify it into existence, which is why we chose to ignore and ignore we did.

Everything fades. Nothing lasts. We’re just a snake eating its own tail.

amy lau quotes from beef netflix series ali wong

Do you ever notice how it’s only people who have money that think money isn’t important? You know, the Buddha is only the Buddha because he was a prince first, right? He had stuff to renounce.

I’m a bad person. I’ve tried to hide that from you, because you’re not. You’re as good as it gets. That’s why I fell in love with you.

It is selfish for broken people to spread their brokenness.

Western therapy doesn’t work on Eastern minds.

God’s just trying not to feel alone in nothingness.

amy lau quotes from beef netflix series ali wong

When nowhere feels like home, you just retreat into yourself.

When do I get to enjoy something? Who’s gonna buy Amy something? Amy is. Amy’s gonna buy Amy something. You can’t give up one f***ing chair? I just wanna be taken care of

No one thrives for free.

Old people are stupid like that, taking it out on us because they regret their life decisions.

It’s not a microbusiness. It’s a magnum opus business.

I’m a bad person. I tried to hide that from you because you’re not. You’re as good as it gets. That’s why I fell in love with you.

I want you to know that, despite what everybody tells you, you can have it all. You can.

amy lau quotes from beef netflix series ali wong

Everything fades. Nothing lasts. We’re just a snake eating its own tail.

If God is everything, then we’re God. That means God is just like us. Maybe that’s why everything is the way it is.

Do you ever notice how it’s only people who have money that think money isn’t important? You know, the Buddha is only the Buddha because he was a prince first, right? He had stuff to renounce.

Whenever I have a bad dream, I just think of a happy time. In fact, I think of a happy time with you. I think about the day you were born. You know, for the longest time you were growing inside of Mama’s belly. And then all of a sudden, poof. You were right there, looking back at me. And then the crazy part was you were already you. I remember the hospital bed. I remember the blanket around your little face. It was 4:00 a.m. and the whole city was silent. No meetings. No e-mails. No pretending. It was just you and me. And there was nothing wrong anywhere in the entire universe. I wish we could’ve stayed there.

amy lau quotes from beef netflix series ali wong

It is selfish for broken people to spread their brokenness.

A Baby with mobility and strength is just a serial killer

Here are some pictures Of Amy Lau (Ali Wong) from the beef event.

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