9 September 2019 • Short Stories
The Businessman and The Fisherman
While on vacation in one of the southern isles, a wealthy businessman was taking a morning stroll along the beach after breakfast.
9 September 2019 • Short Stories
The Lump of GOLD
Paul was a very rich man, but he never spent any of his money.
He was scared that someone would steal it.
He pretended to be poor and wore dirty old clothes.
9 September 2019 • Short Stories
Formula for Happiness
In 1922, Albert Einstein was staying in a hotel in Tokyo. Without any money to tip a hotel deliveryman, he instead gave him a couple of notes on hotel
9 September 2019 • Short Stories
The Dreaming Priest
Long time ago there lived a priest who was extremely lazy and poor at the same time. He did not want to do any hard work but used to dream of being rich one day