“Thicker Than Water” is a Netflix series that follows the story of four Muslim women who are determined to succeed in a patriarchal society. Despite their different personalities, they share a strong bond and believe in the importance of family.
When Fara exposes the fake news strategy of her workplace, she faces the threat of losing her job. However, her family supports her and encourages her to stay strong and trust in God. When Selim, their brother, gets into trouble, the women band together to solve the problem, unaware that a more significant complication awaits them.
The series explores the drama within the Muslim family as they navigate their way through life in a village where they are viewed as outsiders. Although the series initially seems like it might depict Muslims as terrorists, it ultimately offers a diverse range of well-written stories. The main characters are complex and fully developed, and viewers are drawn into their lives, despite their flaws.
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“Thicker Than Water” offers an engaging plot that captivates audiences with its blend of drama, entertainment, conspiracy, ambition, and survival. The four episodes reveal different aspects of the women’s lives, including their personal struggles, their ambitions, and their determination to protect their families at all costs.
Fara, the protagonist, is a smart and confident reporter who has to work to gain acceptance from her colleagues. Souhila, a single mother, is involved in charitable activities and is trying to make ends meet for her family. Yasmine is a mother of two who is not happy in her marriage but continues to try to keep her household running. Despite their different lifestyles, each of the sisters comes together with their mother to celebrate festivals.
The series explores the interconnectedness of the village and how news travels quickly. However, when it comes to taking responsibility for a situation, many villagers engage in the blame game. The series also highlights corruption within the police force and how the media can distort the truth.
Fara’s entry into the news presentation room brings a sense of authenticity and credibility to the news presented. It underscores the importance of authentic reporting and journalism that delves deeper into stories to give a voice to the voiceless. The series also reflects on the impact of social media on young people’s lives, with Lina presenting herself as Rihanna online and highlighting the influence of virtual platforms.
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Above all, the series emphasizes the importance of family relationships and how women will go to great lengths to protect their families, regardless of the challenges they face. While the show acknowledges the patriarchal ideologies that exist, it showcases how women overcome these obstacles by supporting one another.
Despite facing harassment, abuse, and feeling unimportant, the women remain resilient and determined to succeed. The series promises more challenges and obstacles for these women, but it also showcases their strength and resilience in the face of adversity.