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Top 75+ Wise Quotes From “Ms. Marvel” Series

Today we have gathered 70+ Ms. Marvel Season 1 Quotes. Ms. Marvel is definitely the second most popular show right now on this whole planet. After the release of Ms. Marvel, we have gathered 55+ Savage and Funny Ms. Marvel Quotes and sayings.

Ms. Marvel is one of the most popular shows in the entire world currently, Even in third world countries this show attracted a countless number of fans. We can see scenes of Ms. Marvel in statuses, social media feeds, …etc. Especially in south Asian countries.

Also note that, if you haven’t still watched season 1 of Ms. Marvel, this post may contain spoilers. Read with caution.

These 70+ Ms. Marvel quotes will give you a preview of what this amazing show is about.

Don’t forget to also check out these Euphoria quotes from the Sci-Fi Movies.

Ms. Marvel Tv Series Details

Premiere date: June 8, 2022
Cast: Iman Vellani, Alysia Reiner
Network: Disney+
Genre: Drama
Topics: Superheroes
Character Strengths: Courage, Integrity
TV rating: TV-14
Award: Common Sense Selection
Last updated: June 8, 2022

Top 70 Ms. Marvel Quotes and Sayings.

“What you seek is seeking you.” ⏤ Hasan and Aisha

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“Do I Have To Figure Out My Whole Future Before Lunch?” Kamala Khan

“But then, if you have lived like I have lost what I have, you learn to find beauty in the pieces.” ⏤ Sana

“Good is not a thing you are, Kamala. It is a thing you do.” ⏤ Sheikh Abdullah

“I’m a Djinn.” “And tonic?” ⏤ Kamala and Bruno

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“Kamala, I’ve been waiting a very long time to meet you.” ⏤ Najma

“Maybe This Is Something I Need To Do – Something Good.” ⏤ Kamala Khan

“My whole life, I’ve either been too white for some people or too ethnic for others. And it’s been this very uncomfortable, sucky, in-between. So, when I first put this on, I was hoping to shut some people up, but I kinda realized I don’t really need to prove anything to anybody. Like, when I put this on, I feel like me. Like I have a purpose.” ⏤ Nakia

“Have You Ever Felt Like You Were Up Against The World?” ⏤ Kamala Khan

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“Cosmic.” ⏤ Kamala

“Who do you want to be in this world, huh? Do you want to be good, like we raised you to be, or do you want to be some, you know, this cosmic head-in-the-clouds person?” ⏤ Muneeba

“You’re Kamala Khan. You wanna save the world, then you’re gonna save the world.” ⏤ Bruno

“And let’s be honest, it’s not really the brown girls from Jersey City who save the world.” ⏤ Kamala

“Do I have to figure out my whole future before lunch, or is there, like…?” ⏤ Kamala

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“Sometimes, someone can come out of nowhere and do something amazing.” ⏤ Kamala

“So, There’s This Thing Called Avengercon. You Know, It’s Really Something Incredible.” ⏤ Kamala Khan

“I Can’t Do A Single Normal Teenage Thing In This House, Right?” ⏤ Kamala Khan

“You wouldn’t rob two young women of that future, would you, Uncle? I mean, come on, this is Kamala and me. Your daughter and basically your other daughter. Women’s suffrage, we fought for this, people died for this. You wouldn’t…you wouldn’t kill our dreams, would you?” ⏤ Nakia

“Am I Related To Thor?” ⏤ Kamala Khan

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“Maybe I Spend Too Much Time With Fan Art, And Costumes And With My Head Stuck In Fantasy Land.” ⏤ Kamala Khan

“It’s Not Really The Brown Girls From Jersey City Who Save The World.” ⏤ Kamala Khan

“So it looks like your power isn’t coming from the bangle. It’s coming from within you. Like the bangle unlocked the superhuman part of you.” ⏤ Bruno

“Sometimes, someone can come out of nowhere and do something amazing.”
⏤ Kamala Khan

“Maybe she just needed a break, you know? Can a woman just live?”
⏤ Kamala Khan

“If I’m weird, you’re weirder.”
⏤ Kamala Khan

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“Maybe I spend too much time with fan art, and costumes and with my head stuck in fantasy land. “
⏤ Kamala Khan

” I tried to shrink, and fly,  and talk to ants, and none of it worked.”
⏤ Kamala Khan

“You’re good at math. Do you know anything about interdimensional travel off the top of your head?”
⏤ Kamala Khan

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Watch Ms. Marvel from Disney+.

More Ms. Marvel Quotes From Marvel.

“She blasted through Thanos’ fleet like a flaming angel, and you know what, she looked good doing it.”

“Sometimes someone can come out of nowhere and do something amazing.”

“Obviously we don’t know what she’s been up to, but I think maybe she just needed a break, ya know.”

“Praise Allah.”
“Bless you.”

“I crashed my car into his car.”

“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

“Would it be super weird if we asked for a ride to Avengers Con?”

“She’s the worst now that she has like a million followers.”

“Junior year is time to start really thinking about your future.”

“Do I have to figure out my whole future before lunch or…”

“You’re reciting lyrics from Mulan.”

“There’s not gonna be another first Avenger Con ever again. Never.”

“You’re a weirdo.”

“Steampunk is dead.”

“Doctor Strange Marvel, I could wear a cape.”

“Good for her.”

“It’s not a party, it’s a convention.”

“It’s not like I’m asking to go to a party and do cocaine.”

“It’s not really the brown girls from Jersey City who save the world.”

“You’re Kamala Khan. You want to save the world, then you’re gonna save the world.”

“Good luck following that everybody.”

“I actually have powers.”

“I’m not recognizing you. Who is this rebellious girl?”

“Who do you want to be in this world? Do you want to be good like we raised you to be? Or do you want to be this costumed head in the clouds person?”


“What makes you think you have Ant-Man powers?”
“Because we’re both charming… and we look a lot younger than we are.”

“I feel like secret identities are secret for a reason.”

“I saved you.”
“Only because you almost killed me first.”

“Am I related to Thor?”

“What comes out of you and it hardens?”
“Let’s call it… hard light.”

“The change is here and the change in here, everyone.”

“I just want you to be safe. That’s the most important thing.”

“Is there alcohol in that.”

“Am I drunk?”

“Do you watch Bollywood movies?”

“It’s definitely not easy.”

“My whole life I’ve been either too white for some people or too ethnic for others. My whole life it’s been this very uncomfortable, stuck in between.”

“I don’t need to prove anything to anybody.”

“You know that part in the movie where someone comes to the main character and they say ‘would you like to be a Jedi?’ or ‘would you like to answer phones for an incredibly demanding but chic magazine editor?’”

“This is Kamran. He’s our cousin.”

“That’s why we moved to America. So that our children could be anything that they wanted to be.”

“The British left us with a mess.”

“Every family has a partition story. And none of them are good.”

“She followed a trail of stars.”

“It wasn’t for Slippery When Wet your father and I may never have met.”
“That was gross.”

“The entire Mosque is here with nothing to do but eat and gossip.”

“You wouldn’t rob two young women of that future, would you Uncle?”

“I have a feeling that you did this for the likes.”

“I heard she killed a man.”

“It’s Nightlight!”

“I put ice cream on pizza.”

“I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you.”

The Terminal List Season 1 received a ton of positive feedback from the audience for its successful portrayal of crime drama. If you like our list of The Terminal List quotes, comment below. Also, mention your favorite quote from the list and your favorite character from The Terminal List show.
