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Top 8 Baba Voss Quotes and Sayings

In this quote collection, we have compiled our most favorite top 8 Jason Momoa as baba Voss Quotes and Sayings from the popular tv show called SEE.

See is an American science fiction drama web television series produced for Apple TV+. It is written by Steven Knight and directed by Francis Lawrence. Executive producers include Knight, Lawrence, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, and Kristen Campo. The main Character of the Show is Jason Momoa as Baba Voss. The show got quite popular and Jason Momoa fans are thrilled with what they saw. Here we have collected 8 Most Popular quotes Said by Baba Voss.

Jason Momoa as Baba Voss

“This is our home. We are one and we fight as one – Baba Voss”

“Silence is not a lie – Baba Voss” username=”

“You can run from your nature. But you can never escape it – BabaVoss”

“Hatred is a wildfire that destroys everything in its path – Baba Voss”

“Every child eventually comes to a bridge that they must cross alone – Baba Voss”

“My baby girl. You are wrong. We don’t live in different worlds. You and your brother are the only worlds that I have lived in since the day you were born. My children, I’m as blind as anyone. But I see you both. I will never stop seeing you – Baba Voss”

“A skilled hunter knows how to lure its prey – BabaVoss”

When mankind lost the ability of sight, humanity adapted to survive. Join the cast and crew of SEE as they explore the work that went into crafting a world where vision doesn’t exist. We hope that you like the list.
