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Top 10 Numa Turcatti Quotes – Society of the Snow

With the popularity rising of Society of the Snow movie in 2024 across netflix and engaging conversations on social media like Twitter. We are bringing you the top 10 most savage quotes of Numa Turcatti from the movie, ‘Society of the Snow’.

In the movie “Society of the Snow” on Netflix, you’ll find Enzo Vogrincic portraying the character Numa Turcatti. Numa Turcatti Quotes are like puzzle pieces that make you think. Enzo Vogrincic delivers lines that stick with you even after the movie ends. Let’s take a look at some of the coolest things Numa says in the movie.

Numa Turcatti in Society of the Snow is played by Enzo Vogrincic. These badass Enzo Vogrincic quotes from netflix’s Society of the Snow are handpicked by us. No alterations have been made to these quotes and sayings. You can also read more TV Series quotes from our page.

Top 10 Numa Turcatti Quotes from ‘Society of the Snow’

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So, without further ado, let’s get into the best Numa Turcatti quotes from the 2023 Society of the Snow.

On October 13, 1972, an Uruguayan plane crashed in the Andean Mountain Range. Forty of us passengers and five crew members were on board the plane. Some say it was a tragedy. Others call it a miracle. What really happened? What happens when the world abandons you? When you have no clothes, and you’re freezing? When you have no food, and you’re dying? The answer’s in the mountain. We have to go back to the past to understand that the past is what changes the most.

Numa Turcatti

The night falls like an ambush. In the span of minutes, temperature drops 86 degrees. If the plane crash didn’t kill us, the cold will. We huddle together the best we can. Living and dead… as one.

Numa Turcatti

This is a place where life is impossible. Out here, we are an anomaly.

Numa Turcatti
snow hiking quotes, numa quotes movie, society of the snow

My faith isn’t in your God. Because that God tells me what I’m supposed to do at home. But He doesn’t tell me what to do on the mountain. What’s happening here is a completely different situation. This is my heaven. I believe in another god. I believe in the god that Roberto keeps inside his head when he comes to heal each of my wounds. In the god that Nando keeps in his legs and that lets him continue walking no matter what. I believe in Daniel’s hands when he cuts the meat. And Fito, when he gives it to us without saying which of our friends it belonged to. That way, we can eat it without having to remember their faces. That’s the god I believe in.

Numa Turcatti

The more we try to get out, the more the mountain resists.

Numa Turcatti

With every day that passes, we lose more of our strength. The food rations aren’t enough, so we strip the bones of meat. What was once unthinkable became routine.

Numa Turcatti

There is no greater love than to give one’s life for friends.

Numa Turcatti

The newspapers talk about the heroes of the Andes. The ones who came back from death to reunite with their fathers… Their mothers. Their girlfriends. And their children. But they don’t feel like heroes. Because they were dead like us, and only they got to come back home.

Numa Turcatti
There is no greater love than to give one’s life for friends.

numa turcatti quote from society of the snow 2023

Tintín insists on taking pictures. Like he’s capturing memories of a trip that he’s comin’ back from. I wonder who these pictures are for. For us? I’ll never see them. Maybe they’re for our families. Or for other people who are remembering us now, looking at pictures of us that were taken in the past. And when they look at them, we’ll live again in their imaginations. Because they’ll ask themselves the same questions we’re asking. “What happened to them?” What happened to us? Who were we on the mountain?

Numa Turcatti

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